UMS : My Graduation Day 22nd of November 2014
Assalamualaikum dear blogging friends, I realized that I was absent writing at a long time. But, since I started working, graduated, I want today's post to be my first post as a fresh graduate.
After 7days at Kota Kinabalu for my graduation day, I am back to work. I still feel sleepy as traveling by plane could be annoyingly boring plus the plane I fly with transitted at Labuan and Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) before am boarding to Penang.
And yes, my family didn't come on my graduation day on 22nd of November 2014 due to several causes. Still, my Maman are able to be there with me. Some thought that we already married as I am wearing a ring and wearing a matching outfit and the fact that only him that accompany me to the occassion but no we are not yet married. Stop being cliche about the ring part please. =)
And tada, a few of my beloved MCGians.
After 7days at Kota Kinabalu for my graduation day, I am back to work. I still feel sleepy as traveling by plane could be annoyingly boring plus the plane I fly with transitted at Labuan and Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) before am boarding to Penang.
And yes, my family didn't come on my graduation day on 22nd of November 2014 due to several causes. Still, my Maman are able to be there with me. Some thought that we already married as I am wearing a ring and wearing a matching outfit and the fact that only him that accompany me to the occassion but no we are not yet married. Stop being cliche about the ring part please. =)
Though my family was absent, I didn't want to think that it's going be a bad day or a lonely day. I have my friends, juniors, lecturers, my friend's family, my dear mcgians, my ex-roommates, my ex-housemates and most of my friends I knew were there with me. I am glad that that day turned out to be one of the happiest day in my life.
I have my lovely ex-housemates with me and I even forced them to be in the hall to see me graduated haahahaha. Since they thought that they are not formal enough to enter the hall. I love them.
My friend here Liyana is one sweet lady acted as secretary during our days at Kampung E, UMS. We met as committe for Blok A3 Ibnu Haitham.
My friend Yan was once my travel partner when we first visit Sabah on semester break.
Though my family did't make it, I still get flowers from them. Through Maman haha. I love you guys.
Maman have fun with his new friends at UMS in the hall. There is Hilmie, Amin, Amy and Maman groufie during the ceremony.
I wanted to congratulate everyone who graduated and I hope for a brighter future for all of us. I love you guys. I love you Sabah. I love what life gave me so far and I will love what life gives next. Till we meet again.