I am a MOMMY to be :)

Assalamualaikum everyone. 

I do not know if this blog still legit. I am away for too long I could not remember the last time I wrote here. In case I have been away for too long, some friends might not know that I am married and soon to be a mother. I am so excited about my life right now. I just can't put words together. I am so excited as I am writing this, my baby is kicking from inside my tummy. I am in my third trimester, ALHAMDULILLAH and all praise to ALLAH, we are expecting the baby to come out in April, INSHAA ALLAH.

So far, me and my husband are already preparing things and stuffs for our baby. Though we were both busy with work, preparing all the baby needs is crucial at time like this. The baby could pop out anytime soon. We were 80% ready with the preparations. I hope we could 100% ready by end of the month so I will have ample time to chill and relax a bit before the baby pop out. 

ALHAMDULILLAH, my life has shown improvement in every way I could imagine. My husband will soon finish his study and graduating this year. He is now went for his practical at a good place, and are happy with what he is doing now. He couldn't get more excited with his working place, our life right now, and the fact that he is soon to be daddy. 

I believe God has bless us with everything that we need and all we have to do is to commit and always believe in HIM, to ALWAYS put Him first. INSHAA ALLAH everything will be fine. 


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